A New Hope For Peru
New Hope is an organization committed to family-based solutions for children outside of parental care. Our residential care program provides family-style, personalized care in small groups while our social work teams focus on family reintegration, kinship (extended family) care, and adoption for those who are eligible.
Additionally, New Hope is part of a local coalition to see foster care established as another family-based care solution for children living outside of the care of their own families. Both Scripture and social science teach us that children are made for and do best in the care of nurturing families, and we are committed to helping that become an option for vulnerable children as well.
New Hope was founded in 1995 in response to the number of orphaned and abandoned children living on the streets in Arequipa, Peru.

Our desire is to show the love of Christ in our actions and manner of work; to provide physical, emotional and spiritual care for the children entrusted to us.
Family-style residential care that is focused on family-based solutions is our primary project, which includes our foster-care initiative, transitional care program, and alumni support.
Our Growing Vision:
We have grown, we have learned, and we have adapted to best meet the unique needs of children living outside of the care of their own families.
Sharing God's Love & Mercy
Demonstrating the love of Christ in our actions and manner of work
as we seek family-based solutions for orphaned and vulnerable children
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